Top Fastest growing cannabis strains

Fastest growing cannabis strains

The pursuit of the fastest growing cannabis strains is not just a matter of impatience. It’s a legitimate concern for many cultivators who face short growing seasons, limited space, or simply demand quick turnaround for their product. In this blog post, we will delve into the factors that contribute to rapid growth in cannabis strains, highlight some of the speediest varieties on the market, and offer insights into best practices for cultivating these quick-flowering plants.

Understanding the Need for Speed in Cannabis Cultivation

Before we dive into the specifics of fast-growing strains, it’s essential to understand why speed can be so critical in cannabis cultivation. For commercial growers, a faster crop cycle means more harvests per year, increasing profitability. For home growers, especially those in climates with short summers, it can mean the difference between a successful harvest and a crop lost to early frosts.

Fastest growing cannabis strains

Speed in cannabis doesn’t just refer to how quickly a plant reaches harvest. It also encompasses how swiftly a plant transitions from the vegetative stage to flowering, as well as the duration of the flowering period itself.

What Makes a Cannabis Strain Grow Fast?

Several factors contribute to the growth rate of cannabis:

  1. Genetics: Certain strains are bred specifically for rapid growth and quick flowering times.
  2. Indica vs. Sativa: Generally, Indica strains tend to have shorter flowering times than Sativa strains.
  3. Autoflowering: These strains switch from vegetative growth to flowering without the need for a change in the light cycle, often leading to quicker harvests.
  4. Grow Environment: Conditions like lighting, nutrition, and temperature all play significant roles in growth rate.

Top Fast-Growing Cannabis Strains

1. Quick One

As its name suggests, Quick One is one of the fastest growing cannabis strains available. An Indica-dominant hybrid derived from the autoflowering lineage of Lowryder, Quick One lives up to its reputation, being ready for harvest in as little as 8 weeks from seed.

2. Northern Lights Auto

A classic favorite, Northern Lights, is known for its speedy growth in autoflowering form. This Indica-dominant strain can go from seed to harvest in approximately 9 weeks, producing dense buds with a sweet, resinous scent.

3. Royal Critical Automatic

This strain combines the rapid growth traits of Ruderalis with the yield and quality of Critical. It’s possible to see this strain go from seedling to harvest in just 9 weeks, with impressive yields for such a quick turnaround.

4. Royal Gorilla Automatic

Blending the potent genetics of Royal Gorilla with autoflowering varieties has resulted in a fast-growing powerhouse. Ready in about 8-10 weeks, this strain does not sacrifice potency for speed.

5. Green-O-Matic

Green-O-Matic is renowned for its particularly brief lifecycle, often being harvest-ready around 7 weeks from germination. This strain is perfect for growers looking to maximize their space and time with multiple harvests throughout the year.

Cultivation Tips for Fast-Growing Cannabis Strains

Growing fast-flowering cannabis strains requires some specific considerations to ensure the quickest and healthiest growth possible.

Optimal Environmental Conditions

  1. Light: Autoflowering strains benefit from a light schedule of 18-20 hours of light per day throughout their entire lifecycle.
  2. Nutrition: Fast-growing strains are voracious feeders. It’s vital to provide balanced nutrition that supports both vegetative growth and flowering without over-fertilizing.
  3. Temperature and Humidity: Maintain a consistent temperature between 20-25°C and moderate humidity to support optimal growth rates.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. Overwatering: This is a common issue, especially with autoflowering strains. Overwatering can lead to root issues and slow down growth.
  2. Transplanting: Autoflowers don’t like to be stressed. It’s often best to plant them in their final pot to avoid transplant shock.
  3. Pruning: Excessive pruning can stress plants and slow their growth. With fast-growing strains, it’s best to do as little pruning as possible.

Harvesting Considerations

Given their quick turnaround, it’s important to monitor fast-growing strains closely as they approach their harvest window. Trichome color is the best indicator of maturity. Once most of the trichomes have turned from clear to milky white, it’s time to harvest.

The Trade-Offs of Fast-Growing Strains

While the advantages of fast-growing cannabis strains are clear, there are trade-offs to consider. These strains often produce smaller plants and, as a result, may yield less per plant than strains with longer growth cycles. Additionally, the fast life cycle doesn’t leave much room for error; mistakes in the grow can quickly reflect in the final yield and potency.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Fast-growing strains are not just about quick profits or speedy harvests. They can also be part of a sustainable cultivation approach. These strains often require less energy consumption due to shorter grow cycles and can be a more viable option for those in regions with less natural sunlight year-round.

Moreover, for medical cannabis patients, fast-growing strains can provide a continuous and speedy supply of medicine, making these varieties an essential part of the cannabis landscape.

The Future of Fast-Growing Cannabis

As the science of cannabis cultivation advances, we can expect to see strains that grow even faster without compromising on yield or potency. The future of fast-growing cannabis is bright, with ongoing research and breeding projects aiming to deliver the next generation of rapid strains to meet the diverse needs of growers and consumers alike.


fast-growing cannabis strains represent a significant development in the cannabis industry. They offer a solution for those who require a quick turnaround without giving up the pleasures and benefits that come with homegrown cannabis. By selecting the right strain and following best cultivation practices, even the most impatient grower can achieve a bountiful, speedy harvest.